
Selling Your Home Doesn’t Have to be Overwhelming

When people think about selling their home, many focus on all the things they will have to do: paint the kitchen; clean closets; prepare for viewings; find another home; arrange financing; start packing; etc. It can all seem very overwhelming, very quickly. In fact, if you focus on the long to-do ...

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Set Learning Goals Instead of Resolutions

Are you making a New Year’s resolution this month? Whether it’s to quit smoking, lose weight, or spend more time with your family, you’ll have a much better chance of success if you turn that goal into a learning goal instead.A learning goal is simply a commitment to learn something ...

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Junk – what to do with it

Often when I go see Clients to help them put a go to market price on their home and give them some direction on what they need to do to get the home market ready the Clients start apologizing for the clutter. The stuff. The Junk. The next words out ...

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Cottage Life – boost mobile phone signal

When looking to purchase a getaway piece of paradise known as the Cottage sometimes we take certain conveniences for granted.  Generally speaking the further away you travel from major urban centres and further away from main highways the level of service you can expect from your mobile service provider diminishes ...

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